Wednesday, June 3, 2009

hhhhh..dimishia was dissapointed

haloo all..
as u can see...
i renew my blog..
that so long time for me..
not blogging..

sorry coz im really busy recently.. really happy this day...
there are so many moments happens in my life

im hear a new song from Sherina on My Phone..
even her album was not release
i download it from googling

soo sad..there is a many a new song Sherina _ cinta pertama dan terakhirku as mean "bajakan"
sedih banget ngeliat usaha seorang sherina dalam membuat album barunya denga susah payah,,tapi udah dibajak aja..

ckckckck..belom selesai goosssipp murahan tentang sher diperkosa..
ini udah ada bajakan lagu dialbum barunya..
duuhhh..sedih bagnet yaa kalo ngeliat orang-orang di indonesia seperti ini terus..

but dont ever worry..
i'll buy a original cd as soon as new album release..
as u know all i love sher when she was a child..
she's really potential musician...the young musician

and i really appreciate her effort to make a new album
soo for you all
please STOP PIRACY!!!
hargai karya anak bangsa!

soo what do yaa think??



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