Friday, January 15, 2010


Friday Morning...
wohooo,,feel soo exciting when fri comes..
means..welcome weekend..hehehe

Thanks God for everything you've given to me..
im really nothing without You God..
every sadness, every difficuties, i can through it all with You
can't imagine if there is no YOU by my side.. :)

God..all i can say is just say thanks to YOU..
many thanks to YOU..uncountable
if there is a word more than "thanks" i would say it to YOU...

Your love, Your patient, Your kindness, Your warmth..
make me comfortable..
i just wanna say..i Love YOU God..

when people dissapointing me..
when people go away from me..
but YOU.. here to stay..
accompany me all the time..
YOU know my heart God..
YOU know me well more than i know my self..
YOU know what the best for me but im not

i wont be selfish with my own wants
no no..i want changed
i really want to know..
what's YOUR plan for me?
what's the best for my future??
i surrender all to YOU
i will keep on trying..

i love YOU Jesus..
You're awesome..
someday i'll prove it to YOU
how much..and how deep that i Love YOU
i will sacrifice, against the all odds only for YOU

all i want now is..gimme a strength GOD..
u know what i need
u know my capability..
u know my limit..
shape me as YOU wish..
i want be YOUR child..
the best child for YOU

i will conquer it fam
yaaa..they all be with YOU..
gimme a strength GOD..


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