Wednesday, January 7, 2009 headache!!

staritng my day with the problem in my head

i have a bad dreams last night..terrible...
and when i woke up in the cryingand i dunno what i have to do..
just calling my lovely one..
but it didnt make me calmi really hate this..

God..only You my hopeonly You make me calm..
make me through this..and i dunno if there is no You in my life..
i keep YOUR promise in my hearti always miss to woeship You everyday..
i miss to go back to chusrch every sunday on GBI

soo..lets the story begun...
what the problem that make me headache..
yesterday..i make a mistake...(even, im not really sure what mistake that i do!!) just listen..i go to the church to celebrate xmas with all of my office frenz..
they know im moslem not christian..
but i think..i just want to help them..thats it!!
but my lovely one are really mad to me!!soo..we have a different argument.. im realize my mistake.
.im trust in You God..all things are beautiful in the right time..
and i have to do now is..
patient..being patient..

im really sorry my lovely one,,
that i make u mad at me..make u dissapointed to me..
but please..dont leave me..i need u in my life..

im promise in my self..if there's someone being trouble..being hurts..its me..not you...not your famz..and my famz either..

i really love you soo much..

GOd..please forgiven my mistake..
if You forgiven me..why are u not forgive me dear??
i really dunno what happen in my life next..but i know only YOu my hope God..
and always a way to out from YOU...i trust it.. with all my heart..

i really miss u soo much dear..what r u doin' now??
what r u eat for lunch today?? why r u not text me when im text u??
where ru ?
God...please take care of him..
i didnt accompany him all the time..but YOU can do it..
please take care of him for me

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