Wednesday, April 29, 2009

dimishia miss my best friend

when i open my best friend facebook..
tadaaaaa...i see that raphl udah besar banget...lucunyaaa....=)
i never met him,,soo..i asked to my best friend to taking him to jakarta..
wulan..if u read this...u have to know..that i miss you soo much dear..
missed the time when we "curhat" sambil nangis..
missed the time makan2 dirumah..
missed the time when we shopping together with my dearest too...
whuaa...cant wait till u comeback here..
or i should come to hug raphl..??hehehe..
i just wanna say..
kangen ga lan sama mi ayam, bakso,sate padang,ketoprak, soto betawi, siomay..???
u should come to jakarta to get 'them' all...

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