Monday, May 18, 2009

GOD is my power

actually i didnt know..
what i want to write in my blog..

but i want to do it
but i dunno what i want to talking about..

well one thing that i really learn from my life is..
being patient till God's will be real in your life..
dont ever surrender..
do not ever bored to pray and hope in GOD..

coz there aren't absurd for GOD..
all are possible if we trust in HIM..
the question is..
will we let our heart to surrender to HIM??
will we be patient to waiting GOD answer??

Thanks God..Thanks God...
is all that i can say..
because my heart belong to You..
no matter if my famz not believe in YOU
but i do..
no matter if my famz talk negatively about YOU
but im not!!
YOU are my power to through all that happens in my life..

someday..YOU must answer my pray..
i'll be waiting GOD..

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